Presumptive signs of pregnancy
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
There are three types of signs to determine the pregnancy.
- Presumptive Signs
- Probable Signs
- Positive Signs
Presumptive Signs
Usually noted by patients. It is not the proof of pregnancy but the signs to suspect of pregnancy. Also known as early signs of pregnancy.
- Amenorrhea ( Cessation of menstruation)
- Earliest clues of pregnancy.
- No periodic blood after onset of pregnancy.
- Other causes of amenorrhea are: # Menopause , Stress, Chronic Illness ( TB, endocrine disorders or CNS abnormalities), Anemia, Excessive Exercises
2. Breast Changes
- Mostly evident on 6-8 weeks of pregnancy
- Increased size of breast.
- Vascular engorgement
- Hyper-pigmentation of nipple and areola due to increased level of MSH (Melano stimulating hormone)
- It occurs due to increase level of estrogen hormone.
- Montogomery's tubercles: It is the sebaceous (oil) glands that appear as small bumps around the dark area of the nipple.
- Secretion of colostrum get started at the end of 1st trimester and becomes thick in 2nd trimester.
- Formation of secondary areola in 2nd trimester.
3. Cutaneous Changes
- Hyper- Pigmentation of skin around the eyes, cheeks and nose.
- Caused due to increased level of MSH (Melano stimulating hormone).
- Start from 24th weeks of pregnancy.
b. Striae Gravidarum
- It is the stretch marks in the abdomen and other thigh areas.
- Its pink during pregnancy.
- Color of stretch mark change from pink to white after pregnancy known as striae albicans.
- It caused due to stretching of skin and increased level of aldesterone hormone.
- Starts from 10th week of pregnancy.
- Brownish black line in the abdomen.
- Start from Xyphoid process to Symphasis pubis.
- Caused due to increased level of MSH.
d. Vascular Spider
- Also known as Angioma.
4. Morning Sickness
- Present in 1st trimester.
- Includes nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
- Caused due to presence of HCG hormone, increased progesterone hormone relaxes the smooth muscle of abdomen. It causes lack of peristalsis movements thus there is less excretion of GI contents cause abdominal full results morning sickness.
5. Frequency of micturation
- Present in 1st and 3rd trimester.
- In 1st trimester: Uterus present in antivertex position. Thus causes pressure in urinary bladder results frequency in micturation.
- In 2nd trimester: Uterus present in normal position. It releases the pressure in urinary bladder results normal urination.
- In 3rd trimester: the fetal head engaged in pelvic bone thus causes pressure in urinary bladder results frequency in micturation.
6. Quickening
- Its also known as Feeling of life.
- It appears: 18 weeks in primigravida and 20 weeks in multi-para.
7. Fatigue
- It causes due to increased metabolic rate, weight gain and lack of energy.
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